see what others has got to say about you
or what u can say about yrself?
applicable to all 38 certified members.
.has this beautiful voice
.lives up to her name as our CEO
.shes super cute when she dances!(X
-patsy ;
.fun fun fun!!
.livens up any situation!
.she's my patpals!! :D
-$$$$$ a.k.a Kam ;
.totally in love with green!
.shes obsessed with shit.
.a perfectionist.
.shes super blur!
.totally cute when shes blur.(X
-patsy ;
.horny little guy.
.cool "BUSSTOP?" buddy.
.nice person to talk with.
.in love with his funny actions. ooh~
-xian ;
.lotsa fun when she's drunk.
.always sabboing people!
.plays with water.
.she LIKES pencils! LOL
.she's my honey! MUACKS!
-patsy ;
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
ello people!(: christmas is just around the corner. so this year we will be meeting on the 22nd for dinner.(:
venue : hereen
time : 7pm
i've sent out a sms to everyone le. message me if you didnt get it. cos i DID send to those in my phone book.(:
as for the gift exchange. do you guys think you want it? hmm. cos a lil difficult cos this time not at yixian's place anymore. hmm.
army boys please try to make it. cos its been a while since everyone saw you.(:
attendees so far
me, kam, junda, weesoon, namngee, suwei, kelvin, edwin, sherrie, peishan, lijin, eileen.
jireh, yanhan, terrence
yixian will not be joining us. as she's not free. but i guess we can always meet her another time.(:
silentwishes @ 1:10 PM
Friday, December 07, 2007
hello people.(:
christmas this year will be spent just having dinner and some catching up.
hopefully we can do it on the 23rd.(:
so make yourself free k!(:
silentwishes @ 6:34 AM
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
yea. i seriously think we do not have a decent photo. maybe we should just collage pics together to form one big big big picture.
i have no objection with staying on with this blog name.(: i named it. so i'm sticking with it.(:
silentwishes @ 12:19 AM
Friday, April 06, 2007
sorry guys.. i'm still stuck trying to upload the gentings photo eh. anyway.. videos uploading i've given up.. way too big so it just wun upload it always just hang halfway. that's the only 1 available up. just enjoy whatever's available. =_=
my wireless is 'sort' i quite dun understand why. photos not even halfway done. [brief info: close to 100 photos but less than 100. so not even half. let yr imagination run. :D]
meanwhile, suppose it has to be noted that we 02 do not have a proper decent nice clear complete photo together. so i've long given up on designing a nice blogskin for it. so sian~ no nice photos for show off la! what to show? :P what's more this rant about not liking school is long invalid anymore hahha.. (small yeah) so we do need a change of look at least. but i personally like the blog address name for the 38ppl. it doesn't have to be for 02s only in my opinion. come on! pls do not classify one another by classes. no CLASS-ified! hahaha at least i'm a little proud 38 the ridiculous club has members throughout DID man! (but all must have regretted 'membership' haha..) if anyone feels it doesn't represent us or it doesn't indicate blog of 02. if patsy the founder wants to change the name for a new blog. it's fine but i'll mourn for this nice name. :( we just need to revitalise it with fun and more fun! no fun or aunty talks, of course it's a once-in-awhile attraction only.
(the last)meanwhile.. i've ceased photos uploading for tonight. it's getting me nowhere. my patience for its upload brought me to "Internet Explorer cannot display webpage". sorry. that's all for tonight! try again tomorrow. but at least my com's letting me enjoy my dylan guo's new songs in music player. heez.. earlier was hesitating whether to collect him up. his voice his songs is romantically mesmerising me now. his stare at me at the cd shop hooked me up. he's slowly persuading me to support him. heez..
that's him!
he smiling at u. yes u!say hi to him! :D
xian @ 11:10 PM
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
hellloooo people who still read this. i'm trying to organise a karaoke session next week. since this+msn is the only time i'll get to make such arrangments. so ya. anyone who wanna go but cant make it please voice out okay?(:
silentwishes @ 11:24 PM
Monday, February 12, 2007
xian @ 9:45 AM
Saturday, October 14, 2006
celebrated a marathon of surprises for close friend. stayover at my hse. woot! unlimited access of fun and times together. played some girls play such as hair styling and modelling craze. wahahahaha! mad in our own world.
she had unforgettable fun i know. i truly know. cos for a very 'fussy' friend(which we describe her as) like her, u'll know it when she truly enjoys cos she did not grumble. wahahahah!
and i love it when she is surprised as in truly surprises from us. a total of 2+1 surprises for her within an exact amt of 24 hrs.
i love surprises. and i love it too when i create real surprises for others too. cos i know i'll be truly touched if those surprises were mine. nonetheless, i do it for the sake of love. who ask her to be the QUEEN WE DOTE.
u guys are mine too. i love you too. u guys can be the princes and princesses i dote, if u love me too.
stay hooked to my blog for wonderful gallery views and live plays. haha...
xian @ 8:41 PM